IB or not IB, that is the question-

Whether ‘tis safer in the school to suffer

The numbness of A-levels,

Or to take on IB hopes,

And by taking, lose face.

To Sleepy No more, and by Mad Max to say we end

The desire to talk about the constitution.

But I must reach Shirley’s resolution,

and tame these unruly boys

Except when Tony is in a philosophical mood.

‘Tis occasion devoutly to be wished,

when the class goes well, and Owen is interested.

In subcultures, perchance to write.

Aye , there’s the rub. For in that maze of grammar,

Kevin gets lost. No matter.

Eva and Chloe with interesting assignments

and Louis making sense,

Must give us pause. And respect

for bad boy rockers Daniel and Prime.

For who could bear the learner’s profile?

Without Mary’s humour,

Farron’s flashes of genius and Ryan’s screams?

Who would try the Greek Gods?

Unless Leo and Yvonne as Paris and Helen?

The undiscovered Frank and Vanora

from whose WA’s sense came issuing forth.

I would rather have a class full of Shinys and Serinas.

Than fly to Bob’s questions,

That I know not how to answer.

Some travelers may return.

So we’ll drink a cup o’kindness

yet with Sagi the wise and Edward the pave

Grow to shoot hoops with Rocky,

maybe learn some Wuhan Hua to impress Jane

And compassionate Shining, may your heart never waver.

And thus to Steven’s smiling spelling,

Martin – dedicated follower of fashion-

Farewell IBDP fifteen.

Gerry’s Soliloquy

So, it’s cheerio to the International Baccalaureate students of 2015! The bold trailblazers will be jetting off to new academic pastures, albeit some of them rather sandy - New York in the desert?

I shall miss your shocked expressions when I singled you out for questions in class, the stampede towards the door when I announced a topic was HL only, the opportunities to catch up on the anatomy of tonsils, as the front row caught an epidemic of yawning, and the puzzle of whether the loose pile of clothes and hair on a desk was just that, or a recumbent student (usually the latter). Some of you, of course, were a delight to teach.

Good luck in your future careers and keep in touch. You have the distinction of being the first rather than just another brick in the (WHBC IB) wall*.

Best Wishes


Footnote: *Pink Floyd

A quote from Mark Twain:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do that by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

My personal advice:

“Living abroad is unique opportunity that few ever attempt, take full advantage of all that it can offer. The best experiences past students have had included joining clubs, making friends with locals, travelling on the weekends and holidays, attending major events and listening to guest speakers, and even getting a part time job in town. Don’t be afraid to get outside your comfort zones”


Loudest voice in corridor award

– Ryan

Most smiley student award

– Shining

Longest time spent in bathroom award

– Sleepy

Most likely to study physics in physics class award

– Kevin

Most likely to be taking 40 winks award

– Bob

Saddest football team supporter award

– Farron

Most likely to be wearing headphones award

– Louis

Most arcane interests award

– Edward

Most likely to distract Ryan award

– Max

Most likely to find Victor in staffroom award

– Tony & Eva (joint prize)

Best look of blank incomprehension award

– Martin


Your lovely faces will always stay in my MEMORY. There will not be any LANGUAGE now to express my EMOTIONS of having to say Goodbye to you. I have every REASON to know you’ll be the best YOU you IMAGINE to be. Allow your INTUITION to guide you in your future life. I PERCEIVE great things in your future and have all the FAITH in you!


Dear IBDP students,

here we are at the end of the IBDP and you should feel free to congratulate yourselves and one another on all that has been achieved on your way to becoming IBDP graduates and possessors of a diploma that bears witness to your academic abilities, your capacity for hard work, your wide range of interests and your commitment to serving the community of which you are a member. All international pre-undergraduate courses are very demanding: almost everything is new and absolutely everything must be done in a second language and no course asks more of a student than the IBDP. You have met every challenge and risen to all of them and I hope you feel justifiably proud of that fact.

You were the pioneers; yours was our very first programme and you were about to take on a workload unlike that in any other international programme: a workload of great breadth and depth and variety - a workload that makes the IBDP the unique internationally-focused, personally and academically demanding and student-centred programme that it is. It has been hard work; but there has also been a sense of adventure and of exploring new territory about the undertaking and I hope all of you have enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed teaching you.

I can quite clearly remember the interviews we held when you first applied for places on the Diploma Programme. It was a very detailed and possibly intimidating interview. This was the launch of the Diploma at WHBC and we wanted the best: we were not disappointed. Every one of you did very well and I remember thinking at the time, after all the interviews had been completed, that this was going to be a very successful Diploma class and I have thought that ever since and continue to do so to-day.

I am every WHBC student’s principal: there to write references, give advice, speak to parents and comment on personal statements; but in the case of the IBDP I have also had the good fortune to teach regularly throughout the course. Consequently, I have come to know you all very well. TOK gives teacher and students alike the freedom to explore many subjects and the possible links between one subject and another: a freedom denied to those following a traditional academic course and that is why I have been able to learn so much about you.

The IBDP is now over: a part of your personal history and your eyes are rightly fixed on the future. However, as our ways part, I hope that, from time to time, you will look back on your years here, your classmates and teachers and remember it as a happy and rewarding time.

Good luck to you all,


Shirley: Surely your name isn’t Chloe?? You look like a Chloe I knew.

Jane: Awesome score on particle physics!

Shining: Have you seen the movie by your name? I highly recommend it. The star might remind you of me.

Leo: Good score!

Kevin: England, awesome choice!

Frank: a man that can say much with few words. You will never be a politician… or maybe you should be!

Daniel: Excellent taste in music!

Farron: You’re going to study the philosophy of physics right????

Bob: It was great to have you there to make sure my notes were accurate!!

Tony: The sharp dressed man! I will find your advice on how to court Chinese girls very useful. Thanks for being my Chinese language teacher!

Chloe: Hi Chloe, or are you Shirley? Sometimes a mistaken identity is good!

Shiny: I think I got confused by your name and Shining’s so I took the average.

Edward: I hope I converted you from making money to finding the physics in everything. Perhaps you can unify physics and history? … Your first book title: “The Physics of History”

Yvonne: Good score!

Sleepy: You were very quiet in class. I love such students!

Owen: The strong silent type.

Prime: Did you know that 2 is the only even prime number? It’s such a nuisance! Or does that make it special???

Sagittarius: It doesn’t surprise you when people criticize your choices because your lifestyle doesn’t always conform to their expectations. However, the tables may be turned today as others see a more serious side of your personality. The funny thing is you might actually feel cheerful as you take on a project that makes your heart happy. But your relentless drive to produce results could be misinterpreted as an unwillingness to have fun. Nevertheless, you can have your cake and eat it too if you just continue to visualize your success.

Steven: You were right, it was a straight line! Martin: Nice hair!

Max: Did you know 398712 + 436512 = 447212 You can check it with a calculator! Ryan: I was recently told who you are. If I knew when I was your teacher I would have …

Louis: I don’t know what to say, Farron made me do this!!

Serina: Thank you for all your dating advice in Chinese language class. But it just isn’t working. All theory and no practical lessons just don’t cut it! I gave you lots of labs! So, … what’s your number? I’ll put it in my 聪明手机 You know I invented that phrase!

Eva: Can I look you up if I ever have to analyze Shakespeare? My English language ability is not as good as yours. Rocky: Have you ever thought of taking up boxing. You look the part and your name fits the bill.

Marry: I think you did a lot of labs with Jane. If you work with her in the future be careful of the order with which you present your names on a research paper. Alphabetical would be wise.

Vanora: I would like to make a remark about your academic prowess but I won’t because it might embarrass you.


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